How To Raise Your Vibrational Frequency

Quantum physics teaches us that everything in the universe is energy. Your vibrational frequency resonates according to your beliefs, thoughts, emotions, fears, etc. Conscious or unconscious negative thoughts can be viewed as low frequency emotions. Low frequency emotions lower your vibration and weaken your energy field and immune system and can eventually attract “dis-ease” in your physical body. Other contributing factors can include: stress, worry, expectations, self-doubt, lack of love, lack of trust, phobias, toxic relationships, drama, not enough rest/sleep, an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, sugar, processed foods, drugs, alcohol, and the inability to effectively release the emotions, energy imprints and projections from people, places, and things.

Low frequency emotions are typically rooted in fear, control, and/or expectation, and the symptoms include: mental and/or physical exhaustion, unexplained physical pain, depression, mood swings, forgetfulness, difficulties with concentration, lacking a sense of direction or purpose, and challenges with speaking up for yourself, etc. The energy feels heavy, dense, stagnant and restrictive. Low Frequency Emotions can also be viewed as an S.O.S. signal for you to take action and make the necessary changes to raise your vibration and restore balance in your life.

High frequency emotions are rooted in trust and can be viewed as the energetic expression of Love, Compassion, Joy, Gratitude, etc. The energy feels lighter, peaceful, and free flowing. Keep your frequency high by Tuning In To love.  Additional ways include the following:

Go outside and connect with nature

Let go of control and/or attempts to control the outcome of any situation (AKA “Expectations”).  When you truly know yourself, you can let go of control

Pay attention to the reoccurring patterns in your life and do something to release/revise these patterns

Learn to TRUST your own Inner Wisdom (Intuition)

Use the power of Affirmations or Prayers to “Welcome” what it is you would like to release and heal.

Forgive and release the cords that bind you to fears and outdated beliefs

Cultivate a Positive Self Image and Self-Confidence

Cultivate a Sense of Appreciation and Gratitude

Cultivate Compassion and Unconditional Love

Utilize your Passion and Creativity and Follow Your Joy

Practice Mindful Meditation for at least 10-15 minutes each day

When you can, participate in Group Meditation. According to Paramahansa Yogananda, Group Meditation “is a castle that protects the new spiritual aspirants as well as the veteran meditators.”  Meditating Together Increases the Degree of Self-Realization of each member of the group by “The Law of Invisible Vibratory Exchange”.

Avoid sugar, processed foods, alcohol and drugs, as they can lower your vibration.

When it is necessary to take prescription drugs, schedule a healing session with a Reiki Practitioner or other energy worker to ease side effects and pain and to facilitate recovery.

Use the Power of Color and Sound (all sound instruments including your own voice).  Drumming is very powerful and second to your own voice in raising your vibration frequency quickly.

Listen and Dance with Empowering Music

Use Color Therapy in your wardrobe and home/work environment

Clean up the clutter in your home and work environment and use the Power of Feng Shui.


Debbie Nuccio Durrough

Restorative Yoga

You might be wondering what is restorative yoga? Or if you have experienced restorative yoga, what makes restorative yoga so restful?

To answer my first question yoga is a Sanskrit word and when defined means to “yolk” or to come together, to unite. “To tie the strands of the mind together”, “to attain what was previously unattainable”. Documenting yoga began with the Vedas, the oldest record of Indian culture, approximately 5,000 years ago. The deeper meaning throughout many of the great texts invites us to practice and experience ways of seeing and creating opportunities for us to recognize ourselves more clearly.

Patanjali, a great Indian sage, systematized yoga as a special darsana (or school of thought) and the 8 limbs were put down on paper. The 8 limbs can be viewed as steps on a path that are a means to liberate us from the physical body. It can be integrated into our lives so we can experience bliss in the world rather than remove ourselves from it.

Students of yoga are often told to view the 8 limbs as a tree. There is the trunk and then the branches (or limbs), all connected, all growing in proportion to one another. Each limb is essential for the optimal functioning of the body, mind and spirit. The details of the 8 limbs are vast and rich and will be shared at a later time. For now, back to restoratives.

Yogis all around the globe can thank B.K.S. Iyengar for his development of these deliciously relaxing and supportive postures. In his early teachings he experimented with props to aide students is postures when he noticed pain or injury compromised the proper and safe alignment of the pose. Iyengar went beyond that and began exploring and observing how these modified supported postures help people recover from illness and injury.

Flash-forward to today’s typical asana (pose) class is a series of active postures followed by a brief restorative pose, 99% of the time- Savasana. Anyone that has been to a yoga class has experienced this (hopefully). I have yet to attend a class where the teacher did not close in a Savasana or a similar restorative posture, at times they have been very short yet they have still been a part of every one of my practices.

In a Restorative yoga class, the entire time is dedicated to these healing restorative postures. You begin with props- lots and lots of props. Restorative practices use bolsters, blankets, and blocks to prop students in passive poses so that the body can experience the benefits of a pose without having to exert any effort. The props and proper alignment provides a completely supportive environment for total relaxation. A well-rounded restorative sequence will move the spine in all directions to ensure the maintenance of a healthy spine. Supported twists, backbends, forward bends and inversions move the column left, right, forward and back. Inverted postures reverse the effects of gravity by changing the relationship of the legs to gravity. Fluids that were in the lower extremities are now returned to the upper body allowing the circulatory system to recycle and pump new oxygenated blood throughout the entire body.

Ready To Practice? Here is The-Need-To Know Before You Go:

Who: Everyone, all ages, races, female/male can and will benefit from a restorative practice. There are some contraindications to certain postures and should be modified by the teacher. Most teachers will ask prior to beginning a sequence if you have any medical conditions or injuries. Be sure to speak up so the teacher can modify as needed.

When’s a good time: Restorative is good all the time to counteract the effects of day-to-day stress and the negative pull gravity has on the body. They are especially beneficial at times of high stress such as: major life events (good or bad), change of job or residence, marriage, divorce, holidays, vacations, when ill or recovering from illness or injury.

All hours of the day, although most people find it more beneficial toward the end of the day. I like to sneak in a class midafternoon.  It is always best to wait awhile after eating before any exercise. Although this is a very gentle practice we are still twisting, inverting and lying down, none of which feel good after eating. I say try and hold out 2 hours before attending a restorative class.

What to bring: A yoga mat if you have one, most classes at a public studio will have props. If you own any props and prefer to use yours bring them along too.

Yoga invites us for brief time in our day to pause and be fully present in what we are doing. To unite the body, mind and spirit. Bring your intention to remain awake and aware throughout your practice. It is only an hour- all your thoughts will be there for you when you leave the mat.

How to show up: Yoga etiquette says to show up clean, un-fragranced and ready to practice. In my classes it tends to go like: show up clean/get ready to be fragranced (if you like)/and ready to relax. As a common courtesy to your neighbors on the mat showing up with clean hygiene is always respected and appreciated. I perfume myself everyday with essential oils, it’s my passion, it’s my self-care ritual I learn to be flexible with while practicing. When I go to a public class I apply a single drop on my solar plexus, just a few inches above my navel, I get the benefit of the oil without the perfuming quality the oils would have if I applied the drop to my wrists, neck or any exposed body part. Enough about oils let’s move on.

Lastly show up and do what you came to do- relax and renew. Always practice the yogic principle of ahimsa, or non-harming. I see too any people pushing themselves on the mat, during other forms of exercise, in all ways throughout their life- all you need to learn if nothing else from yoga is that there is no need to be hard on yourself. Especially not in a restorative class where the focus is on relaxing into the supportive environment that is created. There is nothing to judge, no body part to be critical of, and no posture you couldn’t master. You are simply being, observing the way the body relaxes, the mind calms, energy balances. Ahimsa reminds us to be kind and gentle to our bodies and our hearts. The best way to get the benefits is to be kind to yourself, relax and renew.

Where to practice: Find a yoga studio near you, ask friends or family if they practice or know anyone that practices and can refer a good studio. I’d like to say most studios offer restoratives however I cannot. As we are all unique and different so are studios. Some like it hot, some like it tough and others like it balanced. It may take some searching to find a restorative class near you, I promise it is worth the effort.

Another wonderful option is to seek out a private teacher, someone who is specializing in restoratives and inquire about their service.

Why: There are countless benefits that a restorative practice has. I always encourage people to try for themselves, so they have their first-hand experience. My slant is that it is simple, easy and it works.

Here are just a few benefits of what a frequent restorative practice can do:

-Reduces stress, anxiety and depression

-Body detoxification

-Improved immunity, digestion, circulation, & memory

-Lowers blood pressure & relaxes the nervous system

-Physical, mental, & emotional pain & tension relief

-Improved posture and increase in flexibility

-Clearing and balancing of energy systems

-Increases self-acceptance, mental awareness, & confidence

-Balances the brain hemispheres

If restorative yoga sounds like something you are interested in seek out local teachers and studios, see who is teaching this gentle and healing yoga practice and show up.


Denie Shae

Reiki Creates Relaxation

Today I would like to talk to you about Reiki. Most people, in this day and age, have heard of Reiki, but I sometimes wonder if they really understand what it is and what it does. So this is what it is for me.

Reiki is God/Divine Source energy. We are taught that through an attunement we become connected to the Reiki source. I believe this is true because until I received my Reiki I attunement I never experienced that kind of clarity. I also never thought of myself as a healer.

To give you a short summery, for years I was told by many psychics and intuitives that I should do healing work, but I never saw myself as a healer. One day I was drawn to a class for self healing and after a few weeks my teacher offered a Reiki I class and I thought why not. The day I received my Reiki attunement my whole life changed. For the first time in my life, I finally understood what I was here to do. So for me Reiki has become a way of life. Just like a painter must paint or a musician must play music. I believe I am here to help people heal.

I believe the most valuable thing Reiki can do for you, in a session, is to create a state of relaxation that allows the mind to open to the soul’s wisdom. As dense blocked energy is lifted and removed, the body begins to heal. This creates a clear mind for the higher information to flow in so the decisions you make are the right ones.

If you have never experienced a Reiki session I suggest you treat yourself today and find out how it can improve your life. If this sounds like something you might be interested in learning contact me for class dates or for a session.

See your Light and Expect Miracles

Jade Elizabeth


The Kunlun System

By Phil Laing

KUNLUN® System is a formerly secret group of practices from ancient Taoist traditions in China. Together, they form some of the most powerful teachings and techniques for spiritual awakening ever developed on earth. Until recently, it was known to just a few temples in the mountains of western China. The KUNLUN® System is a rare Taoist alchemy practice that is a very powerful form of self-enlightenment.

KUNLUN® Method practices are the tools one can use to access magnetic potentials of the body that result in the transmutation of one’s ‘shadow side’, development of dormant super-potentials within the brain and the purification of the various toxins held in the physical and non-physical bodies. With this system, we are able to absorb up to 10 times more bodily energy than a normal person.

Practicing the first level of the KUNLUN System regularly will purify the entire body as the 72,000 nadis are toned and cleared by the psychic heat generated. Health improves and maladies dissipate. The resultant purification causes one’s consciousness to realize its true relationship to Life and God. This is the Tao.This art is for those seeking direct experience. It is common for practitioners in this tradition to experience spontaneous movements, kriyas, crying, laughing, breathless states, manifestations of light, 3rd Eye opening or intense bliss states as part of their purification.

This cleansing permits the merging of the microcosm and the macrocosm. It is through the union of these two worlds that one can know their true Self as pure light and One with Creation. In this way, re-enlightenment is possible to the average person. This is the goal of the practice.