Quantum physics teaches us that everything in the universe is energy. Your vibrational frequency resonates according to your beliefs, thoughts, emotions, fears, etc. Conscious or unconscious negative thoughts can be viewed as low frequency emotions. Low frequency emotions lower your vibration and weaken your energy field and immune system and can eventually attract “dis-ease” in your physical body. Other contributing factors can include: stress, worry, expectations, self-doubt, lack of love, lack of trust, phobias, toxic relationships, drama, not enough rest/sleep, an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, sugar, processed foods, drugs, alcohol, and the inability to effectively release the emotions, energy imprints and projections from people, places, and things.
Low frequency emotions are typically rooted in fear, control, and/or expectation, and the symptoms include: mental and/or physical exhaustion, unexplained physical pain, depression, mood swings, forgetfulness, difficulties with concentration, lacking a sense of direction or purpose, and challenges with speaking up for yourself, etc. The energy feels heavy, dense, stagnant and restrictive. Low Frequency Emotions can also be viewed as an S.O.S. signal for you to take action and make the necessary changes to raise your vibration and restore balance in your life.
High frequency emotions are rooted in trust and can be viewed as the energetic expression of Love, Compassion, Joy, Gratitude, etc. The energy feels lighter, peaceful, and free flowing. Keep your frequency high by Tuning In To love. Additional ways include the following:
Go outside and connect with nature
Let go of control and/or attempts to control the outcome of any situation (AKA “Expectations”). When you truly know yourself, you can let go of control
Pay attention to the reoccurring patterns in your life and do something to release/revise these patterns
Learn to TRUST your own Inner Wisdom (Intuition)
Use the power of Affirmations or Prayers to “Welcome” what it is you would like to release and heal.
Forgive and release the cords that bind you to fears and outdated beliefs
Cultivate a Positive Self Image and Self-Confidence
Cultivate a Sense of Appreciation and Gratitude
Cultivate Compassion and Unconditional Love
Utilize your Passion and Creativity and Follow Your Joy
Practice Mindful Meditation for at least 10-15 minutes each day
When you can, participate in Group Meditation. According to Paramahansa Yogananda, Group Meditation “is a castle that protects the new spiritual aspirants as well as the veteran meditators.” Meditating Together Increases the Degree of Self-Realization of each member of the group by “The Law of Invisible Vibratory Exchange”.
Avoid sugar, processed foods, alcohol and drugs, as they can lower your vibration.
When it is necessary to take prescription drugs, schedule a healing session with a Reiki Practitioner or other energy worker to ease side effects and pain and to facilitate recovery.
Use the Power of Color and Sound (all sound instruments including your own voice). Drumming is very powerful and second to your own voice in raising your vibration frequency quickly.
Listen and Dance with Empowering Music
Use Color Therapy in your wardrobe and home/work environment
Clean up the clutter in your home and work environment and use the Power of Feng Shui.
Debbie Nuccio Durrough