Many Kinds of Energies
by Gosia Lorenz
We are surrounded by multitude of energies. There are more body-less beings around us than people with bodies. Most common ones are people’s spirits that passed away. There is also an abundance of earth spirits and humanoid, and non-human like creatures. Beings of light are the energies with higher vibrations that can come in a form of angels, ascended masters, pillars of light, orbs, and more. Demons are another kind that require very different clearing and handling. There are many more that we will discuss in the class.
There are many ways of sensing and approaching those energies. Some of them are friends and some are foes. All of them can give us information that we might be looking for.
We all are aware of entities and there is not much education on what to do with that awareness or how to recognize it. Unacknowledged entities awareness can lead to multiple unexplained psychological and physiological symptoms, like mood swings, depression, fear, feeling overwhelmed, confusion, pains and aches, intensity, and more. This is crucial information for people who are extremely aware of entities and don’t have the tools to deal with the them.