Teaching Community

Bruce Dickson, MSS, MA

Client sessions in Holistic Brain Balance.  40 self-published books-booklets on Best Practices in Energy Medicine, Best Practices in Group Process, in paper and ePubs.

Seeing clients since 2001.  I’m MSIA, PTS, Waldorf, USM, and NVC trained. Service to myself and to others is why I get out of bed each morning.

The easy way to support clients is to:

  • Assist them to find and use a method of self-connection,
  • Get to and stay with, their own Higher Guidance in the session.

Your Higher Guidance knows your priorities and therapeutic directions  better than I. My 40 years of study and practice make me a competent “delivery boy” for the blessings your Guidance sees appropriate for you today. Money-back guarantee within 24 hours on all work.

In simpler terms, I uncover solutions for health concerns without drugs or surgery.  I listen to your body, translating the messages, matching disturbed conditions with years of nutritional, meridian, homeopathic and other solutions.  Together we “connect the dots,” identify the issues in the tissues, find and follow therapeutic direction.  The results?  You can throw off burdens you no longer wish to carry. I follow the Law of Gentleness for Healers.

For more information about Bruce see

AUTHOR CENTRAL PAGE http://www.amazon.com/Bruce-Dickson-MSS/e/B007SNVG46

Aleya Dao, M.S. Toning, Teacher, Spiritual Advisor

Aleya graduated from Lewis and Clark University in Portland, Oregon and earned her Master’s Degree in Oriental Medicine from The South West Acupuncture School in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She practiced in Telluride, Colorado for 7 years before moving to Santa Barbara, California where she now serves an international clientele as a spiritual guide and sound healer.

Aleya produced her first commercial CD with Grammy award winning composer and musician Barry Goldstein in 2007. She produces The Daily Meditations, which are the only subscription-based guided meditations that tune into the energy that comes onto the planet every day. She has received hundreds of testimonials about the power of The Daily Meditations in shifting people’s lives and accelerating their spiritual growth.

For information on Aleya and her services contact www.aleyadao.com and Click Here a free week of Daliy Meditations

Heather Green Intuitive, Energy Healing for Humans & Animals

Experience the magic of a Group Energy Healing session with Heather Green, Intuitive Healer for animals and humans using Crystalline Consciousness Technique tm, sacred geometry, your higher selves, and the power of nature to stay in balance during these transformational times. During the session, Heather will read the energy of the group and with the help of her guides bring in the appropriate energetic protocols for clearing, healing, and bringing back your own energy related to the areas of relationships, health, finances, emotional/mental or spiritual well-being, whatever all members of the group have in common. The group of people healing together will intensify the healing benefits for each member individually through the power of the group energy field.

Heather Green is a natural born energy healer. She uses her psychic senses to provide life guidance and healing for humans and animals on a body, mind & spirit level. Heather has worked in the healing field for over 15 years, with background in nursing and counseling. She directs a horse education and healing program for adults and children and authored, “For the Love of Horses: An Animal Communicator’s Guide to Helping Our Horses and Healing Our Lives.” Bring prictures of animals, but not mandatory. Fore information, visit her website at www.tealhealing.com

Gosia Lorenz, C.F.M.W, C.F., L.S.H.C.

At a very early age, Gosia began her interests in holistic health, spirituality, metaphysics, dowsing and personal empowerment. She continued her search throughout high school and college where she attended multiple courses, classes (Silva Method, Extrasensory Perception, Reiki, Dowsing and many others), followed by her adventures with the BodyTalk System, Theta Healing, Matrix Energetics and EFT. She encountered Access Consciousness™ in 2010 and immediately started using its tools and processes that proved to be highly effective. She became Access Consciousness Certified™ Facilitator, Body Process Facilitator and Talk To The Entities™ Facilitator and Licensed Spiritual Life Coach, facilitating classes all over the world and teaching various hands-on techniques. She is a gifted healer, published bestselling author (on money, parenting and magic), engaging speaker and dynamic change agent, shifting lives of everyone who comes in contact with her. She offers private sessions with advanced energy work (Maestro Symphony Sessions, Abuse Hold, Energetic Facelift, Bars and many others), past lives clearings, entities and demons removal and communication, shifting and transforming of limiting beliefs, traumas and blocks. Her website: www.GosiaLorenz.com

Dr. Eve SpiritSpeaks, M.D.

“My mission in life is to bring healing to your entire being.”

Dr. Eve is a psychiatrist who graduated from UCLA School of Medicine. In her formal training, she was equipped with many traditional tools and techniques. Dr. Eve now uses her traditional training and natural gifts to empower her clients. She has been featured on The Subconscious Channel’s Blog Talk Radio Show, Certified by Doreen Virtue as an Angel card reader, Certified Akashic practitioner (powerful tool for soul path readings), Sees and feels energy. Applies this gift to clear and empower chakras through the application of divine energy, healing, and love, Photo Psychometrist, Trinitarian (In real world terms, the Trinity consists of your subconscious mind, conscious mind, and your higher spirit), Certified Kundalini Reiki practitioner

When Dr. Eve meets with you …
1. She brings light, hope, and empowerment. You are strengthened in your connection with Source.
2. You learn how to experience energetic enhancements in these (and more) areas of your life:
• Romance, sexuality, and creativity • Prosperity in your finances and its many other forms • Ability to speak up for your needs • Willingness to trust your intuition and step into your power
3. Finally, you achieve an increased sense of certainty about your direction in life, and the powerful forces that are here to assist you.

Janet Whitener Channel, Teacher

Janet is a gifted metaphysician with thirty five years of experience in sharing messages and information for those willing to ask the questions. Detailed, precise information is offered with a depth of humor only Spirit can bring. For Janet a near death experience at the age of twenty changed the direction of her life forever. Hear her story and meet those she calls her unseen, unconditionally loving friends and family. You will be welcome, you will be touched, you will be loved! Enjoy an opportunity to lovingly Interact with Spirit!

About Angela Culhane


Website www.oceanandahealing.com

Angela is an Intuitive Spiritual Healing practitioner, certified as a Reiki Master/teacher, Seraphim Angel Blueprint Healer, and Yoga instructor. She uses a blend of Reiki, Seraphim Angel healing energy, and her intuition in each unique session.

She also teaches Reiki Certification courses and enjoys teaching about the practice that she loves so much.

Since she was very young, Angela has had a strong passion for all things spiritual.  Always a seeker, her true inspiration began when she started to really trust her own intuition and the universe. From this moment on, her life began to drastically evolve for the better.

She believes we can learn from each person we connect with; and life is an ever expanding journey.  She is a student of life,  constantly amazed by nature and synchronicity.

Angela feels positive thinking, self love, love for others, and laughter can heal the world.

Instructor Janet Woods Msc.D

Janet Woods is a best selling author, award-winning speaker and sought after media personality.

As an internationally recognized expert in Asian Metaphysics, her personal mission is to help people

flourish in all aspects of their life.

AMAYA VICTORIA   Channeled Answers and Healing from Isaiah

Personal sessions channeled with Isaiah are very complex and are filled with love and honesty. These sessions are extremely sacred, based on an in-depth understanding of your heart, life and soul. Isaiah is a group of master teachers, healers, angels, other souls who have lived on earth, and those close to the Godhead, all of whom have been specifically assigned to help teach and lift those who come before them into the next stages of their growth.
Isaiah will address the deeper issues that impact your life and potential. Working with Isaiah will help you have a healthier relationship with yourself and others, stimulate the connection between your higher and internal self, and guide you to your highest purpose. A channeling session is a way to interact and learn directly from a highly evolved soul group.
“Expect the unexpected when spirit speaks…calling to the longing in your soul.” – Amaya Victoria


Teacher Angel Card Certification Class
Anné is a Certified Angel Intuitive Psychic Reader. She is also a medium, clairvoyant, channel, teacher and crystal  healing master.
Anné provides angel messages during her intuitive psychic readings.  Anné utilizes her empathic gifts to work with the angels and speak through spirit. – she is the vessel for receiving clear guided messages to help support and validate  you on your spiritual journey. This includes all areas of your life.  including:   Love and romance, friendships ,life purpose, past lives,  forgiveness, career, money and abundance, letting go and cutting cords that no longer serve you.
She has studied with well known healers such has Doreen Virtue  and James Von Prague.
And has been reading angel cards since 2005.

She will also help prescribe or recommend the healing crystal needed  to help support your spiritual awakening and will incorporates specific healing crystals during your angel intuitive reading.

CAROL QUINN              Astral Intuitive-Clairvoyant, Tarot, Astrology

I am an intuitive who uses my abilities as a clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient and claircognizant reader, as well as my skills as an astrologer, tarot reader, and counselor. I bring through loving insight and direction to guide you in understanding your life in a way that will assist you in making choices that are in alignment with your soul path and your greater good. As part of your reading, I often receive channeled messages from spirit that are specific for you.
My overall approach is to work in the capacity of a supportive partner and mentor in your spiritual and personal growth process. I hold a Master’s Degree in Family Counseling and have over 35-years’ experience as a reader, teacher, and spiritual counselor and healer.
You can also purchase minimum 30-minutes with me to have your natal chart read.  Please provide your email when purchasing at least 12-hours before the Faire starts.  I look forward to reading for you!

Dr. EVE SPIRITSPEAKS         Intuitive Angel Card, Akashic, Chakra and Photo Reader

Dr. Eve is a psychiatrist who graduated from UCLA School of Medicine. A natural born empath, she since then has sensed that her lifelong intuitive skills have been a sign of her soul’s calling to spiritually help and heal others like you.
Dr. Eve is certified by Doreen Virtue as an Angel card reader and a certified Akashic practitioner (who even provides in-depth soul path readings, including where your soul originated, if requested. Dr. Eve specializes in reading chakras for relationships. For individuals she clairvoyantly visualizes your chakras and finds where they are blocked: she can give these areas healing while reading your chakras and is adept at photo psychometry. Finally, Dr. Eve calls on your Holy Trinity: your subconscious, conscious, and Higher Spirit, who can speak to her regarding areas of greatest need for you and points you toward your highest good.
As an Angel card reader, Akashic practitioner, chakra balancer, photo psychometrist and Holy Trinity communicator, Dr. Eve aims to enlighten, instill hope and empower you to connect to your source of energy and love so that you can better find your way in life. She is a highly educated, compassionate and approachable healer who looks forward to helping as many of you as she can reach, to the best of her ability.

SHEILA ROSE               Chakra Healing and Reading

Our hands have primary chakras located in the center of the palm which transmit concentrated energy from the major chakras and meridians. With my simple chakra activation, you will experience the movement of energy as your chakras are opened to receive the divine stream of universal love.  With this activation you will also receive a detailed printout of your session to take with you.
Sheila Rose is a highly sensitive empath, psychic medium, and healer with extraordinary abilities that have transformed her clients’ lives. With her unique skills to see vibrational energy patterns, Sheila is able to identify the limiting belief patterns that an individual is holding onto in their energy field which hold them back from experiencing their highest joy and passion. Being able to perceive these imprinted frequency patterns, she’s able to access the root cause of these disruptive vibrations and assist her clients in removing them. Sheila is an exceptional transformational healer and guides with a loving and compassionate approach that will leave you uplifted and empowered.

John Stringer   Channeled Conversation with Divine Intelligence

John Stringer is a life teacher, healer, author & singer who has practiced energy healing, channeling and private spiritual consulting for over 11 years. In one-on-one Personal Guidance Sessions, John allows divine / Source energy to provide what is needed in the moment while sharing information received from higher levels of consciousness with those he serves to assist in alignment with Source, removing blocks, skewed perceptions, limited conditioned thinking and the like. John is also a certified B.A.R.S. (Access Consciousness) practitioner and is honored to support you by reminding you of your Oneness, Perfection & Power through our co-created sessions.

Maureen Allan                  Mediumship & Personal Guidance

Maureen Allan is a gifted Spiritual Teacher and Master Channeler, whose abilities allow her to connect to the Otherside in amazing ways.  She can help you connect with loved ones passed on and deliver clear messages of their love, validating that their soul is still around you today. Maureen also has the ability to channel helpful advice on personal matters such as career, health and relationship matters. Maureen Allan is a gifted advanced channeler, whose purpose is to help those that desire enlightenment, continue to ascend… by channeling the wisdom of the Heavenly realms.

Deb Coats

I believe with a regular practice of yoga and meditation; you CAN change and bring self-love and healing into your life.  I combine Kundalini and Hatha yoga into a unique epic experience I call Yogalini.  Yogalini is a beautiful combination of Kundalini Yoga: the yoga of awareness, and Hatha Yoga: the yoga of balance.  My classes are soft, revitalizing, creative, and guided from a space of love and acceptance.  You never need to reach your toes in my class.  Breathe, move, meditate, and leave with a smile.

I teach as if we are all suffering from some form of hidden trauma, addiction, mental health and chronic pain. With a regular practice of yoga, we begin to peel back the layers of distress and disease coming home to self-love.   Through the journey of self-love, we begin to heal.  This has been my personal journey and experience of daily yoga.  I am first and forever a student of yoga and meditation. I continue to study, evolve and practice what I teach.

I have been teaching yoga since 2014.  I believe the first process in any yoga or meditation class is to arrive and try something new.  Everyone has a different life history, and we store our history in our body, heart and mind.  Every person’s yoga and meditation will look and feel different; that is the beauty of this pathway. It can fit each person’s uniqueness.

Additionally, I was involved in developing a Teen and Staff Wellness program in which I spent years guiding high school adolescents and faculty members in breathing exercises, mindful and meditation practices along with gentle yoga movements.  I’m happy to have left this legacy as part of my journey.

Peace ~ Love ~ Blessings 

Teja Padmani Kaur 

Yoga Deb 


Mission Viejo, CA


Adrienne Stratton

Mediumship Readings – (Requires 30-minutes) In a loving and compassionate way I will connect with your loved ones that have crossed over to the other side. I will help you with meaningful conversation as presented by them, and find answers that you might be looking for. All messages are delivered with the highest good and are of love.

Angel Card / Good Tarot Card Readings/ Pendulum – Intuitive readings in Relationships, Finances, Career, Health. These readings through the use of cards can provide meaningful insight, can reveal blockages, and suggestions for finding solutions. The readings are always positive and uplifting.

Intuitive Energy Cleanse – Release blockages, disconnection, depression – Review of energy field for areas that need refreshment, removal of energetic cords, or Aura cleansing.

Aimee Clugston

Animal Communication/Mediumship

Aimee is an International Animal Communicator, Certified Reiki Master in both Usui Reiki Ryoho and Usui Tibetan Systems as well as Animal Reiki Certified.

I have been aware of my uniqueness and ability to talk to animals as well as feel the power of earth elements since the age of 5.  My first recollection was with a squirrel.  This was the magic moment which started my lifelong journey of giving animals a voice and sharing their messages.

My mission is to help people and animals discover a deeper connection between them by giving animals a voice.  I will help to uncover animal insight, reveal the requests and message while discovering the needs, wants, and desires of each individual animal.  Present or departed.

“My greatest satisfaction comes from connecting  the power of language with people and their pets”

Alisha Merchant

Soul Healing – Past lives – Entity Removal – Tarot

Alisha is both clairvoyant and clairaudient. She can see and hear voices whether they are in or out of body, in her presence or at a distance – and pulls in many of their vivid past lives to help her clients heal.  Her sessions are primarily focused on the life elements (physical, mental, emotional, habits, etc.), you wish to change, expand, heal or balance. The healing allows you to free yourself from “stuck” places by dissolving recurring destructive life patterns. Through this process, she will introduce you to your inner power, which neutralizes unwanted negative thoughts, emotional responses and habits formed and accumulated over this lifetime and throughout all prior lives. These have been created over eons of time from the difficult and painful situations experienced throughout our human journey.

By clearing these patterns, her clients find themselves operating with fewer triggers, less physical pain or stagnation. Her healing work calls in both divine opportunities and greater success for their personal life path journey.

Annalisa Cervi

Reiki Master – Chakra Energy Healer – Past Healer

My name is Annalisa and I’m a certified Reiki Master of the Usui Shiki Ryoho Modalities and a Certified Yoga and Meditation teacher.  The Sutras teaching us that “the mind is the cause and the solution to our sufferance”. When we cure the mind, we heal all the 5 layers of our being.

In my practice, I assist my clients in their unique healing journey, offering them multiple tools to achieve physical, emotional and spiritual balance working with them on a one-on -ne setting.  Reiki is an ancient hands-on healing modality practiced for centuries to balance the energy flow inside our body. Research has proven that Reiki helps the body return to a state of relaxation, which allows it to better heal from damage brought on by, stress, injury or disease. I also combine Reiki to a chakra balancing meditation that helps the mind to heal from past traumas.  During these sessions I guide my clients to release, let go, and bring to the surface the stored traumas and accumulated unbalances. Then I guide the flow of earthy energy through their bodies to reduce stress and promote healing

Christiane Krenn

Akashic Records, Past Lives & Soul Readings
The Akashic Records are the records of your soul. They are a library where the energetic records of every soul are kept, including all lifetimes.
Christiane will tune into your Akashic Records so you can get answers for your Life Purpose, Soul Mate, Wealth, Spiritual Growth and more. With the help of the Akashic Records Masters she will see several of your past lives which will help you understand your personality and may be why you must face a certain challenge repeatedly.  Sometimes the awareness of the past life will help you clear the issue.
When Christiane gives a reading, she accesses Divine Light. An Akashic Record Reading is always positive and loving, leaving you with a profound sense of well-being. It will help you understand the spirituality of your life on earth. You will be transformed by an Akashic Records Reading.

Christiane is a Certified Akashic Records Practitioner.

Ciara Titus

Intuitive, Medium, Spiritual Coach, Reader

Ciara Titus helps clients integrate spirituality fully into their lives, enhance their intuition, and embrace natural healing. She offers psychic readings, spiritual coaching, and energy healing.

Ciara spent over a decade advising and consulting in different industries for corporations such as CBS and Jenny Craig. Inspired by her own spiritual awakening, her focus is now helping others find their spiritual path, awaken their souls, and deepen their connection to the divine.

Ciara has studied under Master Channeler Maureen Allan and Psychic Medium James Van Praagh. She has earned a Spiritual Life Coach certification from the Life Purpose Institute. She earned Psychic Intuitive, Mediumship and Spiritual Healer certifications from the JVP School of Mystical Arts. She is also a Usui Reiki Master, trained at Huntington Beach Reiki.

Deborah Shea

Psychic Reading, Channeling or Energy Healing, Crystal Teacher

Psychic Readings and Channeling bring waves of fresh energy, healing and inspiration. There are many opportunities for all of us to reset our Lives and align with our Highest Potential and path. The energies that are available now are very powerful for dissolving any blocks that we may have to living our best life and come back into alignment with our divine plan.

Relationships, career and health can all be put into this alignment through our connection with our higher selves and source.

Through a combination of hands on healing, counseling, emotional processing, mind body integration and other techniques, I am able to work with the aura, chakra system and deeper levels of your being to assist you in your healing journey. We will explore your life conditions, past history, childhood issues and other factors contributing to your emotional, spiritual and physical health.

Holistic healing can be extremely beneficial in restoring balance to your body and your life. Some of the benefits may include; healing of relationships, experiencing more joy and peace, relief from physical and/ or emotional pain, past life work, relationship cord work, increase your connection to Spirit and more.


The Muscle Whisperers

We are the muscle whisperers and while working on our clients we help them release physical, emotional, and mental traumas. We create a safe space and give them tools to garden throughout their body in a visual meditation.

Have You Been Dealing with Chronic Pain and Not Getting Lasting Results?

We are The BEST Duo Wellness Consultants establishing a safe space where we listen to the messages from your body and muscles which helps us facilitate a plan for your healing journey. Let us teach you an alternative way to connect Your Mind, Body and Spirit to address energetic blockages throughout your body and get results.

Rebecca – Golden West College Holistic Massage Program, Reiki Master, and National Holistic Institute Advance Neuromuscular Technique Program  JB – American Institute of Massage Therapy, NLP, Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Access The Bars, National Holistic Institute Advance Neuromuscular Technique Program.



Elaine is an International Psychic Medium    currently residing in the U.K.

From the age of 7 years old, I had an extremely strong knowing that there was a continuation of life after death. Sensing the spirit world around me, I didn’t know how to communicate at that time. Life had other ideas, and I didn’t enter a Spiritualists Church until I was in my late 20’s. Since then I have attended the prestigious Arthur Findlay College, where tutors Lynn Probert and Tony Stockwell have reinforced my gift. I provide links between people from all walks of life and their departed friends, family and loved ones. I also assist people in need of spiritual support and guidance.



Figgy is an   International Psychic Medium currently residing in Texas.

Open up to love and guidance that is ready to find you.

Connect to your loved ones in spirit, with evidence from the other side, as they bring messages & healing.

Figgy Bottoms is an internationally accredited medium – attended prestigious Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, England.


Intuitive Psychic Consultant, Tarot, Angel & Oracle Cards, Teacher of Tarot Class
Frank is an intuitive, clairsentient, teacher and consultant.   During a reading Frank uses the Tarot, oracle cards, visualization and other guided imagery tools to assist a person to a higher level of self-discovery and spiritual insight.
He is committed to helping others find guidance and healing through personal empowerment for their own highest good. Frank holds a MA in Business Administration.

JAYA PANCHOLY, Ph.D.                

Custom Wellness Session 

  • Pain management session
  • Angio Scan  – Cardiovascular Scan to determine stiffness of the vascular wall to help assess cardiovascular risk.


Energy Healing with Channeled Divine Message, Reiki Certification Teacher

I am offering Energy Healing sessions with Channeled Divine Messages for your overall balance, restoration and life path progress! I utilize the empowering, purifying style of Holy Fire Reiki, combined with the gentle, opening style of Karuna reiki to help bring your energy system into harmonious balance. During this process, I receive divine revelations from your “Spirit Team”, guides, angels and Ascended Masters, to assist you to progress from where you are in the here and now.

These messages are always geared towards your spiritual evolution and promotion of your optimum health! It is my honor to be of service to you and I look forward to bringing healing awareness to your journey.

Usui/Holy Fire® III/Karuna ® Reiki Master Teacher; Hypnotherapist; Intuitive Channeler; Ordained Minister


Medium, Clairvoyant, and Certified Pranic Healer, Tarot Class Teacher

Michael is a Medium, Clairvoyant, and Certified Pranic Healer.  During mediumship sessions Michael channels messages from your loved ones on the other side to bring you comfort and healing.  During Clairvoyant sessions he channels divine information from your spirit guides to help bring guidance, and clarity to challenging situations.

Michael is a certified Pranic Healer, healing since 2004.  He is also an Arhatic Yogi, a spiritual practice that is an offshoot of Pranic Healing.  He is aware of being a second-generation healer and intuitive.


Inspired Tarot Sessions, Channeled St. Germain Session, Medical Intuition 

Molly Rowland is a channel for the Ascended Master St. Germain and the Council of Light, Medical Intuitive, professional astrologer and Tarot reader.

She has been trans-channeling the Masters for 35 years. St. Germain calls her a trans-channel, rather than trance channel and says that she bridges dimensions when she allows the Masters to work through her. “I go into their places and they teach me while they are using my body”. She began to trans-channel the Masters at the Harmonic Convergence in August of 1987.

Molly began to follow her spiritual directive when she was seventeen. Her first tool was regular playing cards. She discovered the Tarot in her early twenties and astrology soon after. She has worked as a professional astrologer and Tarot reader for over forty years.

When Molly was twenty-one she discovered her ability to read the body. She has been doing Medical Intuitive readings ever since. She has worked with doctors, chiropractors and psychologists all over the U. S. and Canada. She says, “I was doing medical intuitive readings when Caroline Myss was in high school”.

Molly has a global clientele. She is a teacher, lecturer and advisor to many people. She has done radio and TV work and had her own radio show in Billings and Laurel, MT and Spokane, WA.


Theta Healing, Scenar Pain Relief

Phil offers healing sessions for effective and remarkable pain relief with micro-impulse electrotherapy. Known as a SCENAR device, this hand-held technology uses biofeedback to stimulate the release of powerful pain-killing neuro-chemicals and to catalyze a vastly faster healing response in your body.

Consider a 30 minute session to address acute or chronic pain such as back and neck pain, sciatica, sports injuries, headaches and migraine, osteoarthritis, sprained and strained muscles and ligaments, frozen shoulder, rotator cuff, tennis elbow, post-operative pain, inflammation and many other conditions.  The device is placed on and near your painful areas so please wear clothing styles that allow access.

In addition, Phil also offers 30 minute increment sessions as a certified Theta Healing practitioner. This modality is a form of focused thought and prayer calling on God/Source to manifest emotional, physical and spiritual healing . Sessions work remotely too.

Virginie Miramon

PureBioenergy® Healing Therapist

PureBioenergy® is a natural healing modality using the energy of Life itself to address physical and emotional ailments by facilitating and supporting the body’s own ability to self-heal. It is a simple, elegant and structured method with great results.

Each therapy is done in person or long distance, in private or in group, over the course of 4 consecutive days with one session a day. A session lasts anywhere between 15 to 40 minutes depending on the issue to treat. There is a protocol for almost every condition, from chronic pains to more serious issues (physical, psychological and emotional), including auto-immune or other “incurable” afflictions. People from all ages benefit from the therapy, including children and pets (autistic children respond amazingly well to PureBioenergy® Healing).

A natural seer and intuitive, Virginie has been working in the healing realms for over 20 years. Based in Dana Point, California, she offers her services as a professional certified PureBioenergy® therapist and as an Intuitive. Virginie is available for in-person or remote sessions in English, Spanish, French
and Portuguese.