HeartSpace Self-Care Healing Faire
Come and Experience Different Holistic Services
Occasional Faire TBA usually min-month
19 Healers In Person Online
Free Class at 2 pm with Alisha Merchant here from Ventura
“Group and Personal Mulidimensional Soul Healing “
15 & 30 Min. Sessions In Person & Online
Celebrating HeartSpace Healers & Practitioners
Meet Heart-Centered Healers and Practitioners
New Modalities and Techniques
Reiki Bemer Therapy
Accupuncture Craniosacral Therapy
Neuro Body Massage Channeled Medical & Health Insight
Energy Healing Hypnotherapy
Shamanic Healing New Pain Relief Techniques
Chiropractic Services Energy Healing
Meditation Spiritual Healing
Chakra Balancing Intuitive Somatic Healing
Solajet Therapy Pranic Healing
Medical Intuition Child Psychology
and More!!!
Next Self-Care Faire TBA
Each Practitioner Will Have Individual Pricing from $20 session
Monthly on 2nd or 3rd Wednesday of some months
In Person & Online
At Laguna Health & Wellness Center 24351 Moulton Pkwy. Laguna Woods 1 block south of El Toro Questions 949.752.5272
SHEILA ROSE 15 min $30

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KELLY COHEE 30 Min $60
Energy Healing with Channeled Divine Message
I am offering Energy Healing sessions with Channeled Divine Messages for your overall balance, restoration and life path progress! I utilize the empowering, purifying style of Holy Fire Reiki, combined with the gentle, opening style of Karuna reiki to help bring your energy system into harmonious balance. During this process, I receive divine revelations from your “Spirit Team”, guides, angels and Ascended Masters, to assist you to progress from where you are in the here and now.
These messages are always geared towards your spiritual evolution and promotion of your optimum health! It is my honor to be of service to you and I look forward to bringing healing awareness to your journey.
Usui/Holy Fire® III/Karuna ® Reiki Master Teacher; Hypnotherapist; Intuitive Channeler; Ordained Minister
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/WSE5FGFtdZU
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Soul Healing – Past lives – Entity Removal
Alisha is both clairvoyant and clairaudient. She can see and hear voices whether they are in or out of body, in her presence or at a distance – and pulls in many of their vivid past lives to help her clients heal. Her sessions are primarily focused on the life elements (physical, mental, emotional, habits, etc.), you wish to change, expand, heal or balance. The healing allows you to free yourself from “stuck” places by dissolving recurring destructive life patterns. Through this process, she will introduce you to your inner power, which neutralizes unwanted negative thoughts, emotional responses and habits formed and accumulated over this lifetime and throughout all prior lives. These have been created over eons of time from the difficult and painful situations experienced throughout our human journey.
By clearing these patterns, her clients find themselves operating with fewer triggers, less physical pain or stagnation. Her healing work calls in both divine opportunities and greater success for their personal life path journey.
Video: https://youtu.be/UEvUfkC_UJw
Neuro Body Massage
Neuromassage can be used to support a wide range of conditions, from mood and anxiety related disorders, muscle tension, chronic pain, autism, sleep disorders, fibromyalgia, and trauma.
DEBORAH SHEA | 30 Minutes | $60
Psychic Reading, Channeling or Energy Healing
Psychic Readings and Channeling bring waves of fresh energy, healing and inspiration. There are many opportunities for all of us to reset our Lives and align with our Highest Potential and path. The energies that are available now are very powerful for dissolving any blocks that we may have to living our best life and come back into alignment with our divine plan.
Relationships, career and health can all be put into this alignment through our connection with our higher selves and source.
Through a combination of hands on healing, counseling, emotional processing, mind body integration and other techniques, I am able to work with the aura, chakra system and deeper levels of your being to assist you in your healing journey. We will explore your life conditions, past history, childhood issues and other factors contributing to your emotional, spiritual and physical health.
Holistic healing can be extremely beneficial in restoring balance to your body and your life. Some of the benefits may include; healing of relationships, experiencing more joy and peace, relief from physical and/ or emotional pain, past life work, relationship cord work, increase your connection to Spirit and more.
The Muscle Whisperers
We are the muscle whisperers and while working on our clients we help them release physical, emotional, and mental traumas. We create a safe space and give them tools to garden throughout their body in a visual meditation.
Have You Been Dealing with Chronic Pain and Not Getting Lasting Results?
We are The BEST Duo Wellness Consultants establishing a safe space where we listen to the messages from your body and muscles which helps us facilitate a plan for your healing journey. Let us teach you an alternative way to connect Your Mind, Body and Spirit to address energetic blockages throughout your body and get results.
Rebecca – Golden West College Holistic Massage Program, Reiki Master, and National Holistic Institute Advance Neuromuscular Technique Program JB – American Institute of Massage Therapy, NLP, Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Access The Bars, National Holistic Institute Advance Neuromuscular Technique Program.
Video: https://youtu.be/1W2FqdDdN4g
STEVE MORITA, DC 15 min $30
Chiropractic and Neuromuscular Therapy
Return to an active, pain free lifestyle with help from Dr. Steve Morita DC. With over 30 years of experience and treating thousands of clients, Dr. Steve can alleviate chronic muscle and nervous system disorders and issues. In one session he calms trigger points, circulation, nerve compression, and repetitive movement injuries.
HIBA 30 min $80
Higher-Self Guided Healer of the Physical, Spiritual, Mental and Emotional Bodies
Descending from a long lineage of Intuitive Healers and Psychic Mediums, I was born with a Natural Divine Soul Profiling Gift. This gift allows me to “profile” your Physical, Spiritual, Mental and Emotional Bodies and go with the information I am given by your Higher-Self to work on what is needed the most at the present time. Then, Spirit Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters channel all healing through my physical body to transmute your pain and dis-ease(s) into a healthy vibrant energy, restoring you to the best version of yourself you were born to be!
My methods of Healing are various and unique: From Divine Channeled Healing, to Hypnosis (Healing Inner Child, Past Lives, Traumas …), to Autogenic programming, to using the most powerful combination of Sacred Geometry and Personal Numbers, to scanning / adjusting / clearing / detoxing your Chakras and your Quantum Energy Field – To name a few.
I also use microcurrent frequency (IMF) to improve your body’s cellular, emotional, and energetic fields to activate self-healing and optimize balance, boosting your health, vitality, and well-being. Stop by to alleviate acute and chronic pains, improve blood flow, open your lungs, cater to your mental balance, skin issues, sleep disorders and more.
You will feel more “alive” and vibrant than you have felt in a long time!
The only question is: Are you ready to heal?
Video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/mFFVNICtiCI

PHIL LAING | 30-Minutes | $40

Theta Healing, Scenar Pain Relief
Phil offers healing sessions for effective and remarkable pain relief with micro-impulse electrotherapy. Known as a SCENAR device, this hand-held technology uses biofeedback to stimulate the release of powerful pain-killing neuro-chemicals and to catalyze a vastly faster healing response in your body.
Consider a 30 minute session to address acute or chronic pain such as back and neck pain, sciatica, sports injuries, headaches and migraine, osteoarthritis, sprained and strained muscles and ligaments, frozen shoulder, rotator cuff, tennis elbow, post-operative pain, inflammation and many other conditions. The device is placed on and near your painful areas so please wear clothing styles that allow access.
In addition, Phil also offers 30 minute increment sessions as a certified Theta Healing practitioner. This modality is a form of focused thought and prayer calling on God/Source to manifest emotional, physical and spiritual healing . Sessions work remotely too.
VALERIE VAUGHAN 15 min $30 Ionic Foot Bath $60
Native Medicine Practitioner
Practitioner of Native Medicine offering the Ionic Foot Spa experience as well as I.D. Therapy (Foot Mapping). After years of researching and experiencing several different holistic healing modalities, Valerie is finally free of the debilitating conditions known by most as Macular Degeneration, Kidney Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and various other auto immune and digestive disorders. Her primary area of expertise is in Raphaology Healing which uses herbs, foods, vitamins and minerals to restore health to the body. Raphaology is an ancient healing art based on Native Medicine and principals of Light as a powerful healer.
She is a natural empath and teacher at heart, who is passionate about sharing her wisdom with those searching for alternatives to western medicine. May her story inspire you to learn how you too can access your body’s innate healing abilities and take charge of your health. Would you like to gain insights on how to start living your best life the natural way? Make an appointment to “Ask Val” today.
JAYA PANCHOLY, Ph.D. 30 min $50
- Pain management session
- Food wellness scan – find out your body’s bio communication on foods to eat and avoid.
PureBioenergy® Healing Therapist
PureBioenergy® is a natural healing modality using the energy of Life itself to
address physical and emotional ailments by facilitating and supporting the
body’s own ability to self-heal. It is a simple, elegant and structured method with
great results.
Each therapy is done in person or long distance, in private or in group, over the
course of 4 consecutive days with one session a day. A session lasts anywhere
between 15 to 40 minutes depending on the issue to treat. There is a protocol
for almost every condition, from chronic pains to more serious issues (physical,
psychological and emotional), including auto-immune or other “incurable”
afflictions. People from all ages benefit from the therapy, including children and
pets (autistic children respond amazingly well to PureBioenergy® Healing).
A natural seer and intuitive, Virginie has been working in the healing realms for
over 20 years. Based in Dana Point, California, she offers her services as a
professional certified PureBioenergy® therapist and as an Intuitive. Virginie is
available for in-person or remote sessions in English, Spanish, French
and Portuguese.
JANET WOODS, Msc.D. 15 Min $35
Cranial Reiki, Crystal Infusions, Emotional Clearing
Janet Woods Msc.d has created a revolutionary wellness modality using Cranial Reiki, Crystal Infusion and Emotional Healing known as Bliss Emotional Clearing Therapy. This multidimensional approach supports you in releasing stress, anxiety, fear, and other undesirable emotions while producing long-lasting transformational results very quickly and easily. With over 25 years of experience dealing with vibrational energy, Janet has assisted thousands of people in releasing unhealthy and unwanted energy putting them on the road to wellness. In just minutes you will feel uplifted and blissful.
Video: https://youtu.be/nIybUA5RX3Y?list=PLG_zQrMh-dyuVA6Rb0dFDGAXB5r4MCN6e
ONLINE will call you at designated time
MOLLY ROWLAND 30 min. $80 Landers, Wyoming

BRUCE DICKSON, M.A., M.S.S 30 min $40 Los Angeles, CA
Health Intuitive, Child Psychology
I’ve been serving clients professionally since 2001. With your permission, I can connect long distance with your own Higher Guidance. Then together we can look at whatever concerns you have.
Often using Messages from the Body supports you connecting the dots between your issues and your physical health concerns. When you believe we have the causes of your concern accurately identified, we move to solutions. Self-forgiveness is the most common method. If you are willing there may be “homework” you can do to continue on further in self-healing.
I did my doctorate thesis work in Holistic Brain Balance. It’s documented in seven books-booklets. I’ve written several more series, mostly on Best Practices in Energy Medicine, all at Amazon-Kindle.
For 20 years I worked with K-5 children and special needs kids, teens and adults. Okay to use me as a child psychology resource.
JESSI PHAM | *** 30-Minute Increments *** | $60
Intuitive Readings, Reiki & Energy Healing, Spiritual Counseling
Intuitive Readings are useful if you have questions about your relationships, career, life path or you want to release from emotions and thoughs that are no longer serving you. The sessions may include intuitive guidance, energy healing, chakra balancing, channeling Divine knowledge from spirit guides, light language transmissions and past life healing. These sessions help you to remove obstacles and connect more fully with your intuition, creativity, wisdom and joy.
During the session you can ask questions or talk about a concern and I watch the energy and look at what chakra or chakras (7 main energy centers in your body) are out of balance or blocked. An energy healing will help to transmute the vibrational frequencies in your energetic field that have been holding you back from realizing your full potential. You will be supported to release any resistance, fear or doubt that is keeping you in suffering. This co-creative process will bring forward new energetic frequencies that will be expansive and supportive to your soul’s purpose on the earth plane. You have the potential to tap into instant healing and manifestation power.
ELAINE TARRY 30 min $70
Medical Intuition and Healing
Elaine is an International Psychic Medium, Medical Intuitive and Healer currently residing in the U.K.
Elaine Tarry will connect while in a trance state to blend with her trance healing guide and be drawn to where physical or emotional healing needs will take place. You first indicate your medical needs to Elaine, who has her own team of doctors and surgeons that she connects with in the spirit world. Her medical team can assist with medical intuition without pain, discomfort or physical contact felt by client. Elaine’s previously successful healing modality has been documented and published in David Akerman’s Snapshots of the Paranormal, a clairvoyant’s quest to understand clairvoyants and other psi phenomena.
From the age of 7 years old, I had an extremely strong knowing that there was a continuation of life after death. Sensing the spirit world around me, I didn’t know how to communicate at that time. Life had other ideas, and I didn’t enter a Spiritualists Church until I was in my late 20’s. Since then I have attended the prestigious Arthur Findlay College, where tutors Lynn Probert and Tony Stockwell have reinforced my gift. I provide links between people from all walks of life and their departed friends, family and loved ones. I also assist people in need of spiritual support and guidance.
Video: https://youtu.be/iWb2R4QUKPQ
Anne’ G angel 15 min $30

Anné and her guides can help with cutting cords Of old stuck energy that’s been blocking you from your true essence , your passion and your life path to good health. She can intuitively guide you to your path of optimum health. Finding the areas of your life that need to be fine tuned so your able to consistently incorporate a daily practice of self care.
RUSSEL FOX, DPT 30 min $40
Distance Pure Energy Healing Session with Crystals
In Russell’s Healing Session: He incorporates energy and crystal healing to connect the client, hand in hand, with Spirit. This connection with Spirit will help cleanse negative energy, work through past trauma, and aid in connecting to Self. Past clients have experienced balance, peace, and healing.