Welcome to HeartSpace OC

We Bring you: Peace of Mind, Stress Reduction, & Understanding of Life – Online!

HeartSpace OC – A Public Benefit Non Profit Corporation run entirely by volunteers!

We now have both online and in person classes.  We have our in person classes held at Laguna Health & Wellness Center in Laguna Woods.  Our monthly HeartSpace Holistic Healing Faire is held both online and in person there also.

A Heart-felt welcome to ALL who enter this portal.

HeartSpace OC was founded as a public benefit corporation to help bring self connection, higher consciousness and healing into the lives of ALL who are seeking this knowledge with both campus and online video classes. We intend to make these studies easily accessible worldwide to those who wish to better understand their own existence and personal power. 

We provide students with high value courses woven together with integrity, universal wisdom and heart-centered energy. We provide the LARGEST RESOURCE IN ORANGE COUNTY for personal growth / consciousness classes taught by a large number of passionate, diverse teachers. 

Learn how powerful you really are and how you create your own reality, every hour, every day.  The last Saturday of every month we offer a large, diverse Online Holistic Healing Faire  with 25 – 45 healers, readers, and practitioners allowing you to sample many modalities and attend free lectures all day on a variety of topics.

Our classes include meditation, self-connection, automatic writing, energy healing, intuitive development, hypnosis certification, conscious nutrition, parenting, past life regression, Reiki, relationships, A Course in Miracles, a variety of metaphysical classes and many more – up to 80 classes per month and a Variety of Certification Classes for the aspiring holistic healer!  Classes and events held primarily at Laguna Health & Wellness Center   

Veterans!   HeartSpaceOC offers Pro Bono Services to Veterans! 
Click here for more information!

During this time as many, many communities across this country are striving for equality and equal justice for all, we stand with you in this spiritual endeavor that is so long overdue!


Events, Parties, Birthdays – Choose from more than 25 intuitives, mediums, healers to add some very unique fun, insight and depth to your next event.  Email [email protected] today or call.  (949) 752-5272

27068 La Paz Rd.   Suite 562   Aliso Viejo, CA  92656

Events held at Laguna Health & Wellness  24351 Moulton Pksy.  Laguna Woods   92637

See our Testimonials!

Join Us on This Journey

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Weekly Newsletter on Thursdays

For information on coming events and classes.

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Upcoming Events

Energize Your Life – a Kundalini Yoga Class Set
with Yogi Deb Saturday’s 9 to 10:30  am Every Saturday beginning June 24 $20.00 per class prepaid $50 = sign-up for any 3 prepaid @HeatSpace in Laguna Woods Remember what
Channel Writing 101 – Unlocking the Wisdom and Guidance from Your Guides & Higher Self
With La’a Leela Saturday, Oct. 5 10 am – 3 pm $125  Discover the profound experience of channel writing, designed to help you safely and confidently connect with your higher
Intuitive-Psychic Tarot Development
with Frank Falcon, M.A. and Michael Espinoza Monday Evenings   6-8 pm $30 This class will be offered in-person and online on Zoom Are you interested in learning how to read
Channel Writing 201: Practice and Support Group
with La’a Leela We meet  on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. 6:30-8:00 pm  Sept 10th & 24th     October 8th & 22nd $25 each session Are you excited
ALL AGES Women’s Support/Discussion/Empowerment Group
with Paula Fitzhenry 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 6:30 – 8 pm $ Love Donation In this group we will talk about ourselves, our lives, our experiences, and our goals for
Online Angel Card Intuitive Reading Certification Class
with Anne G angel Tuesdays    7 – 9 pm Eight Week Certification Class.  Start any Tuesday $30  This is an online class.     The Angel Intuitive Card classes are 
Reiki Healing Circle
with Dr. Steve and Kelly (Cohee) Morita               2nd and 4th  Wednesdays 6:15 – 7:45 pm $Love Donation Join Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Masters
Decoding Dreams: A Dream Detective’s Guide to Deciphering Unconscious Messages
With Mia Kathleen Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8 p.m. PDT $25 Hybrid (In-Person & Online) Have you ever wondered what in the heck your dreams are trying to tell you?  Why
Healing Breathwork
with Dr. Michaela Bolas 2nd Thursday of each Month 6:30 – 8 pm By Donation Breathwork is a Western term that originates from the 5,000 year-old practice of Pranayama, from
Personal Development Through Channeling –- Continuing
with Janet Whitener and Aero, channeled by Janet      Thursdays  7 – 9 pm $50 per class This is an Online Class with Zoom!  Enjoy in safety from your
Energize Your Life – a Kundalini Yoga Class Set
with Yogi Deb Saturday’s 9 to 10:30  am Every Saturday beginning June 24 $20.00 per class prepaid $50 = sign-up for any 3 prepaid @HeatSpace in Laguna Woods Remember what
Intuitive Tarot Workshop: Unlocking your inner wisdom
With Krystal Means Oct. 12th    11 am  – 1 pm $30 In Person Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced reader looking to enhance your intuitive abilities, this course
Intuitive-Psychic Tarot Development
with Frank Falcon, M.A. and Michael Espinoza Monday Evenings   6-8 pm $30 This class will be offered in-person and online on Zoom Are you interested in learning how to read
Ongoing Practice Class for:  Lucid Dreamers, OBErs, Remote Viewers, and Energy Transformers
with Paula Fitzhenry First and Third Tuesdays 6:30 – 8 pm $15-25 Sliding Scale   In this ongoing class we will learn practices and techniques to induce Lucid Dreaming, OBE,
Online Angel Card Intuitive Reading Certification Class
with Anne G angel Tuesdays    7 – 9 pm Eight Week Certification Class.  Start any Tuesday $30  This is an online class.     The Angel Intuitive Card classes are 
Decoding Dreams: A Dream Detective’s Guide to Deciphering Unconscious Messages
With Mia Kathleen Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8 p.m. PDT $25 Hybrid (In-Person & Online) Have you ever wondered what in the heck your dreams are trying to tell you?  Why
Personal Development Through Channeling –- Continuing
with Janet Whitener and Aero, channeled by Janet      Thursdays  7 – 9 pm $50 per class This is an Online Class with Zoom!  Enjoy in safety from your
Energize Your Life – a Kundalini Yoga Class Set
with Yogi Deb Saturday’s 9 to 10:30  am Every Saturday beginning June 24 $20.00 per class prepaid $50 = sign-up for any 3 prepaid @HeatSpace in Laguna Woods Remember what

Leading Edge Consciousness Speakers of Today

Take a little time to watch these videos and you will begin to change your belief systems, then open your heart and mind to the possibilities that you are much more powerful that you have ever believed!  You will begin the journey of remembering that you can heal yourself of disease as well as create the future you desire.  You will learn that we are all connected together with everything in the universe, that there is no separation.  And you may begin to believe that raising one’s own consciousness is the single greatest gift that one can give to oneself and to humanity.  It has effects on everyone and everything.  Enjoy this fantastic journey!  And if you become interested in classes to assist you, please visit the Classes tab above.

Dr. Bruce Lipton
Cell Biologist, Past College Professor
Learn More

Gregg Braden
Computer Scientist, Computer Systems Designer   
Learn More

Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith
Founder, Spiritual Director
Agape International Spiritual Center
Learn More

Dr. Rupert Sheldrake
Cell Biologist
Learn More

Tom Campbell
Nuclear Physicist, Consciousness Researcher
Learn More