From the Angels, To You, With Love

by Seph Deitlin, Angel Psychic Medium

Like you, I find myself reviewing what the angels have guided me to do over the last several months, and I am marveling at the miraculous way in which they have prepared us to make the most of this evolutionary shift that we are experiencing right now.  How perfectly are we lined up right now to joyfully serve with our various gifts?

Two decades ago, the angels tangibly introduced themselves to me with a message of a forthcoming elevation in conscious vibration, and the disruption that it would take to achieve that vision.  Something that I had no context for at the time, yet I understood the vision fluently.  We have all made a contribution to this upward momentum.

As an empath I find myself feeling moved to tears at the grocery store, as I feel the vibration of the soon to be awakened around me.  I drop into my heart space and take them with me, for I know thanks to the angels, that they are US in another body, and the way of the light is their destiny also.  I know what waits for them there.

This article is designed energetically, to connect with you in a way that transcends time and space, to lift you up and to help you to see that you are perfectly aligned right now in this moment to live the divine narrative that you signed up for.

Please take a deep breath in and out, read the above paragraph again and FEEL the connection, so that your faith based knowing permeates you.  Body, mind and spirit!

I leave you with one of my favorite quotes that I received from them, for the messages from the angels series that I channel and distribute.  “If you knew how loved, guided and full of purpose your life is, you would never worry again.”