with Helena Gorka
January 26th
11 am – 5 pm
Charge for general participation – $45; Personal Constellation – $150.
Family or Systemic Constellations were developed in the 1990’s by German therapist, Bert Hellinger, on the premise that past traumas or losses in our family affect us in the present as we can unconsciously carry these dynamics.
A client presents their issue – what they would like to resolve- then with guidance from the facilitator places representatives for certain family members.
Other memebrs of the group stand in as representatives and the work offers something for all participants.
These issues – or entanglements can be carried through generations. The work helps to free us from the suffering that we may have been carrying and bring healthy connections to our family.
Hellinger developed a philosophy of the work including what he called ‘The Orders of Love,’ natural laws that govern family relationships emphasising the importance of belonging, hierarchy and the balance of giving and taking.
The failitator, Helena Gorka, has 30 years experience of the work having trained with master German facilitators including Bert Hellinger.
To register or if you have questions, please contact Helena
She can be reached at [email protected] / HelenaGorka.com/ 949.294.1759